PLEASE CLICK THE BLUE TITLE ABOVE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE – It’s FRIENDSHIP month! This week our school focus is the “Golden Rule”. At school, your child is learning about treating others the way they would like to be treated. This week classes will also discuss the importance of thinking before acting, identifying strategies to use when feeling angry and using “I messages” effectively. An example of an “I message” is…

“I feel lonely when I am not allowed to join in the game. Next time I would like to be included.”

Students are encouraged to express their emotions without using the term YOU. This  keeps the communication about the individual’s feelings rather than blaming others. Try using “I messages” at home with your family.

“I feel _______________  (name the emotion) when___________________________________________ (describe what happened without using YOU).

Next time I would like __________________________________________________ (Suggest a solution to the problem.)

“Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated.” Lou Holtz

Categories: School Events