PLEASE CLICK THE BLUE TITLE ABOVE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE – This week our Tribes Friendship focus is on understanding why people bully others. There are a variety of reasons why someone chooses to bully another person. Some reasons may include: a feeling of power over another person, a misunderstanding of differences, attention seeking behaviour or a reflection of self worth.

This week we will also discuss the role of the bystander. A bystander is someone who witnesses bullying taking place. The bystander can help the person being bullied by telling the bully to stop or getting help from an adult.

In addition, our classes will discuss what to do if you are bullied and identify the difference between tattling and reporting. Some strategies to handle bullying are:

*Tell an adult
*Stand up for yourself. Tell the bully NO! STOP!
*Ignore the bully
*Stand tall and be brave
*Spend time with supportive friends

Sometimes students are afraid to report a bully because they don’t want to tattle. The graphic below helps define the difference between tattling and reporting. For additional information on the bully, the bullied and the bystander, please see the links below.

reporting vs tattling

Categories: School Events