me to wePLEASE CLICK THE BLUE TITLE ABOVE TO VIEW THE FULL ARTICLE – Tomorrow is our Bake Sale!!!  There will be lots of delicious treats on sale for 25¢-$2 each as well as cake raffle tickets for 50¢ each or 3/$1.  Club members have also been busy making rainbow loom and gimp bracelets which we will sell for 50¢-$2.  Or for a $20 donation your child can buy a brick and put their name on it to display in the front entrance.  All proceeds go to Free the Children and get us closer to our goal of $10,000.00 to build a school in Africa.  If you are donating NUT-FREE baked goods, please have your child bring them to the gym between 8:45-9:00am.

Thank you so much for your support!  Bring in your spare change and enjoy some treats!

Thanks in advance to our many volunteers who have offered their time to help us out for this great cause!

Together WE are the change!

Categories: School Events