Hello Parents,

Here are this week’s updates:

1. Upcoming Dates to Note:
– Monday, January 25 – On-line Registration Begins for New Kindergarten Students
– Monday, January 25 – School Council Meeting at 6:30 pm in the Library
– Thurs., Jan. 28 to Feb. 4 – Pizza/Cookie Orders for Feb/Mar Open on School-Day
– Friday, January 29 – PA Day – No school for students
– Monday, February 15 – Family Day Holiday

2. Kindergarten Registration Procedure for Children Born in 2011 and 2012:
Beginning on Monday, January 25th, go to the Williamsburg school web-site for step by step instructions on how to register your child ON-LINE for Kindergarten – http://wlm.wrdsb.ca/.  Once you have completed the on-line registration or have printed and completed a paper copy, you will be required to come into the school with your child’s documentation (proof of birth) to be copied by office staff, as well as to show proof of address (Eg. utility bill with your name on it). Our Office is open from 8:30am to 3:45pm (Monday through Friday) and we request that you come in to the office during the week of February 8th-12th to finalize your child’s registration. It is not necessary for your child to come to the school when submitting your registration paperwork.

If your child currently attends Williamsburg Public School in JK, there is no need to register for SK, as this happens automatically at the school level.

If you have any questions about the registration process for Kindergarten, please do not hesitate to call the Office at 519-742-1848.

3. School Council Meeting – Monday, January 25th
Plan to join us on Monday evening for our Williamsburg School Council Meeting.  The meeting starts at 6:30pm in the school library.  You can check out previous minutes and the agenda on the Williamsburg website: http://wlm.wrdsb.ca/school-council/

4. Science Days at Williamsburg!
We are pleased to be participating in the “Scientists in the Classroom Program” here at Williamsburg P.S. next Tuesday and Wednesday.

All of our classes will be actively participating in science experiments and learning about topics such as magnets, animals, machines, soil and light.

The cost of this fun school wide activity has been paid in full by the profits gathered from our Pizza and Cookie Days.

5. Conversation Cafe for Parents of Students Studying French – February 10th – Country Hills Community Library
You are invited to attend our FREE event to learn how to support your child in French Programs!  The event takes place on Wednesday, February 10th from 7 to 8:30 pm at Country Hills Community Library.

Go to this link to the Williamsburg website to see more details: http://wlm.wrdsb.ca/2016/01/18/conversation-cafe-for-parents-of-students-studying-french-february-10th-country-hills-community-library/

Reserve your seat online by Feb. 8th: http://goo.gl/forms/URa1KdOJ28
Questions? Call Rosemary at 1-800-667-0594 ext. 3.

Have a great week!

Categories: School News