January 28th, 2016
Hello Parents,
Here are this week’s updates:
1. PA Day Tomorrow:
Friday, January 29 is a PA Day which means no school for students.
** February 26th has just been added to the school year calendar as a PA Day. As a result of recent labour settlements, an additional Professional Activity (PA Day) has been added to the 2015-2016 School Year Calendars. WRDSB Trustees approved Friday, February 26, 2016, as the additional PA Day at a recent Board Meeting.
2. Pizza/Cookie Orders for Feb/March due by Thursday, February 4th
Our next round of Pizza/Cookie orders are now open on School-Day. This ordering period covers the weeks of February 11, 18, 25, March 3 and 10 and will be taken on School-Day ONLY from today until Thursday, February 4th. Be sure to click the Products tab at the top of the page in order to access all the weeks in this ordering period. No late orders will be accepted. See the How-To-Order Guide below for step by step instructions for ordering. Call the school office if you have any questions – 519-742-1848.
3. Kindergarten Registration Procedure for Children Born in 2011 and 2012:
Go to the Williamsburg school website for step by step instructions on how to register your child ON-LINE for Kindergarten –http://wlm.wrdsb.ca/. Once you have completed the on-line registration OR have printed and completed a paper copy, you will be required to come into the school with your child’s documentation (proof of birth), as well as to show proof of address (Eg. utility bill with your name on it). Our Office is open from 8:30am-3:45pm Monday-Friday and we request that you come in to the office during the week of February 8th-12th to finalize your child’s registration. It is not necessary for your child to come to the school when submitting your registration paperwork.
If your child currently attends Williamsburg Public School in JK, there is no need to register for SK, as this happens automatically at the school level.
If you have any questions about the registration process for Kindergarten, please do not hesitate to call the Office at 519-742-1848.
4. French Immersion Registration Closes on January 31 for SK Students:
French Immersion Registration for students who are currently in SK is due by Sunday, January 31st and is to be completed on-line. Please click this link for more details about the program and how to register: http://www.wrdsb.ca/french/
5. Dental Screening for JK, SK and Grade 2 – Feb. 4th and 8th
The Region of Waterloo Public Health Dental Staff will be providing dental screenings to students at Williamsburg on February 4th and 8th. Grades JK, SK and Grade 2 will be screened. Grades 4 and 6 may be screened as well. Additionally, children identified in the previous school year with urgent dental conditions will also be screened. The Registered Dental Hygenist will perform a quick visual inspection using a sterilized mouth mirror for each child.
This dental screening is NOT meant to replace regular dental visits.
If your child needs dental care, you will receive a letter. Public Health staff will collect the dental health information of children who could benefit from further assessment or treatment and use the information to arrange or provide those services.
If you do NOT wish your child to participate in the dental screening, please contact the Region of Waterloo Public Health by phone or email. Please note that we require parents to notify the Region each school year so that we can keep our records current.
You will need to provide the following information:
- Your child’s first and last name
- Your child’s school, grade, teacher’s name and room number
- Your full name and phone number
If your child has a toothache and needs financial assistance, you do not have to wait until the school dental screening. Call Public Health and arrange a CINOT dental screening at the number listed below.
Call: 519-575-4400 x 13304
Email: dentalprogram@regionofwaterloo.ca
6. Save the Date (and your books!): May 13 & 14, 2016
The School Council of Williamsburg Public School is proud to announce their very first “Used Book Sale”. Help support your child’s school by donating family friendly books, CD’s and DVD’s that are in good order. All proceeds generated from this sale will be used for the betterment of Williamsburg Public School and our children. Stay tuned for more details to come about when, where and how to make your donations.
~ How-To-Order Guide for Pizza/Cookies:
– Log-in to School-Day (https://www.school-day.com/ )
– Underneath My Dashboard, you will see 5 tabs, click the Products tab to see all the Pizza and Cookie products that are available to order in this ordering period
-Order Pizza and/or Cookies as you wish adding the items to your cart. (Note that orders must be placed for each week and product separately. There will be 10 products to choose from in this 5 week ordering period)
– Be sure to order for each of your children by choosing the child’s name from the drop-down box for each week
– When you are ready to complete your order, click My Cart
– Click Check Out to pay on-line and complete the payment process
– If you prefer to pay by cash, click Will Pay By Cash. Print receipt or make note of the Order Number and send to school with your payment by the order deadline date. Your order is not complete until payment is received at school
– Contact Laurie Starra in the School Office with any School-Day questions:
Phone: 519-742-1848 / E-mail: laurie_starra@wrdsb.on.ca
Have a great week!
Categories: School News