Hello Parents,

Here are this week’s updates:

1. Attendance News – There are now 2 ways to leave us an attendance message at Williamsburg:

When you are calling or emailing, be sure to make note of the name of your child, your relationship to the child, the reason for the absence and the child’s teacher or room number.  Please update us anytime your child will be late or absent.  The Attendance Line via phone or email is available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.

2. Kindergarten Registration for Children Born in 2013 and 2014 is Open Now – If you have a child that will be starting school in September 2018, it is time to get them signed up at a WRDSB school.  Follow this link to see all the steps for registration: https://wlm.wrdsb.ca/2018/01/16/kindergarten-registration-for-children-born-in-2013-and-2014/

Once you have completed the on-line registration form you will be required to come into the Williamsburg Office during the week of February 5th to 9th between 9:30 am and 3:30 pm with the following documentation:

  • Proof of Birth (eg. Birth certificate, passport)
  • Proof of address (eg. A utility bill with your name on it)

3. Safe Arrival and Dismissal
We encourage all of our students to walk to school.  If you must drive your children to or from school, please be sure to do so in a safe manner.  Please note that there is no stopping on Commonwealth Crescent for pick up or drop off. The parking lot is for staff and visitors and for safety reasons, students are not to be dropped off or picked up in the parking lot.  We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with this procedure.  Be sure that your child knows where to meet you at the end of the day and he/she knows to go to the office if you are late.

4. No Birthday and Special Event Treats/Food Guidelines
With Valentine’s Day coming soon, here is a reminder of our “No Birthday or Special Events Food/Treats” guideline and the reasons behind it:

  1. We have an increasing number of students with life-threatening food allergies.  It is our responsibility to ensure all students are safe at school and to take every precaution to prevent allergens from entering the school.
  2. A number of our parents have indicated that they do not want their children eating food other than the food they send to school.  They especially don’t want their children eating treats, sugar etc.
  3. We are inclusive school.  Many children/families feel pressure that they need to bring in treats like other children in the class which causes financial strain and/or stress for some.
  4. It is important that our school promotes and protects students’ health, well-being and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating, physical activity and healthy choices.
  5. Please know that we are not trying to take the fun out of birthdays and special events.  Rather, we want to create an environment that is safe for all of our students and one that is focused on learning.  Thank you in advance for your flexibility and for caring about the health and safety of our students.

Valentine’s cards for friends are welcome.
Thank you for your cooperation!

5. Upcoming Dates to Note:

  • February 5 – 9 – Documentation Visit for New Kindergarten Parents
  • February 9 – Canada Spirit Day to celebrate the Opening of the Olympics
  • February 14 – Pink, Red and White Day
  • February 15 – 22 – March Pizza/Cookie Orders on School-Day
  • February 16 – Report Cards Go Home
  • February 19 – Family Day Holiday
  • February 26 – School Council Meeting at 6:30 pm in the Library

Have a great week!

Categories: School News