Hello Parents,

Here are this week’s updates:

1. Primary Play Day (Grades 1-3) – Friday, June 24

Tomorrow is our Primary Play Day! Our theme is Red and White for Canada Day. Please come dressed for the weather in red and white apparel. Your child will also need to arrive to school with sunscreen (already applied), labelled water bottles, hats, and running shoes (please no flip flops). Let’s celebrate the end of our year!

2. School Website – How to Subscribe

If you would like to stay up to date with any new posts on our Williamsburg website, you are welcome to subscribe to the site.  This will send a notification to your email whenever we add new posts.  Go to http://wlm.wrdsb.ca/, scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your email address in the white box under Get News From This Website, then click Subscribe.

3. Upcoming Dates to Note:

  • June 23 – Last Pizza Day
  • June 27 – Report Cards Go Home
  • June 28 – Grade 6 Graduation at 9:15 in the Williamsburg Gym
  • June 29 – Pajama Day and the Last Day of School

Have a great week!

Categories: School News